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Our Projects.

Here are the projects that have been accomplished so far.

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Project 1. Culvert Installation


The first thing that needed to be done to the property was the installation of two large culverts under the main roadway.  This solved the flooding problem that had occured there.  This had to be done before any large equipment could be brought in to help with the site preparation.   This was completed in November 2015.

Project 2. Initial Activities

​The old trailer, shed and several piles of debris were removed and the property was professionally surveyed and documented. "No Trespassing and No Hunting signs were posted.  Liability insurance was purchased and tree trimming around electrical lines was accomplished. This was completed in November 2015.

Project 3. Wetlands Survey

​In order to alleviate concerns of some homeowners, we conducted a wetlands survey, and had it reviewed and approved by the Army Corps of Engineers. This was done after the very heavy rains we had in the Spring.  Then a detailed wetlands survey was done to precisely mark the designated areas on the plat. The survey showed NO impact on any construction project envisioned. This was completed in September 2016.

Project 4. Property Cleanup Day​

Detailed cleanup of the property was accomplished in July 2016.  Many homeowners volunteered their time and assisted with this effort.  Marty Johnson and Fairway Home Services provided trash bags and their truck for collecting and disposing the trash. Thank you to all the volunteers!

Project 5. Family Pavilions Construction

​Two partners committed to fund the construction of two pavilions on the property.  The first pavilion was completed Labor Day weekend, 2017.  The second, smaller pavilion was completed Summer 2018.

Project 6. Outdoor Activities Survey

​In May 2017, an email survey was sent out to all The Woods homeowners in our database asking for their interests regarding future community neighborhood uses for the Winter Camp Park.  Many responses were received.  

Project 7. Trails Blazed 

​In Spring 2017 and before, trails were blazed around Winter Camp Park and its surrounding areas.  The trails connect with others in The Woods and in Sleepy Creek Wildlife Management Area.  Click below to see a map and description of the new trails as well as the Hiking at The Woods brochure provided courtesy of The Woods Club, Inc.


Project 8. Temporary Restroom Provided

​A temporary, handicap accessible Port-A-Pot was place in the park.  This is provided monthly by Fairway Home Services.  THANK YOU!


Project 9. Picnic Tables Acquired

​In Spring 2018, permanent picnic tables were acquired to “furnish” both pavilions thanks to contributions by neighbors at The Woods.  Additional contributions are appreciated.


Project 10. Electricity and Sound/Projection System Installed in Pavilion 1

​In Spring 2018, electricity was installed in Pavilion 1.  Outlets, lights, speakers and a projection screen were also installed.  This had enhanced entertainment amenities  there including music and movies.


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Project 11. Picnic Tables Sanded

​In August 2018 a group of neighbors and partners got together and sanded all the picnic tables in the Park.  THANK YOU to all the volunteers who helped out!


Project 12. Second Pavilion Completed

​The second, smaller family sized pavilion was completed in August, 2018.  It has picnic tables and chairs in it and is now available for use and reservations.  It does not have any electricity.


Project 13. Walking Path Enhanced

​In August 2018 a huge excavation project was completed that significantly improved the water flow on the walking path around the park.  The path was cleared, sloped and topped with tons of gravel.  Five culvert pipes where installed under the path in three places to divert the water flow.  Original culvert from the road was cleared and made operational again.  Also, the old unsafe structures - spring house and outhouse - were razed.


Project 14. Storage Shed Acquired

​In August 2018 a storage shed was acquired and installed. It will be used to store the propane grill and maintenance tools for the Park.


Project 15. Electricity and Stage Installed, Dead Trees Removed, Woodstock 50th Anniversary Festival Held

​In July 2019 volunteers piled up all the dead branches throughout the Park, and Tree Works chipped them as part of the Firewise Program.  Electricity was installed on the utility pole in the field, and a stage was constructed for use at the Woodstock Festival and for future park events.  Finally in September, more volunteers helped take down dead trees, cut them up and take them away for their personal firewood needs.


Project 16. Cleanup of Spring House Area

​The big project this year was cleaning up the old debris  in the back corner of the property left by the previous owners.  We contracted with our new Corporate Friend, Potomac Valley Home Services to complete the work.  They completed the work on 19-20 May 2020, and it looks wonderful and is much safer for the Park's visitors. The Friends of Winter Camp Park contributions helped fund this project and future contributions will help maintain and beautify the park.


Project 17. Improvement to Field Area and Removal of Dead and Diseased Trees​

Eleven large dead trees surrounding the large pavilion and power lines were removed.  Additionally truckloads of gravel and dirt were added to the main field area, and grass planted to improve the area for future musical events.

Project 18. Installation of Water and Sewer​

Over Winter and Spring 2022 water was installed to the future restroom location and Pavilion 1.  Also sewer lines were brought to the future restroom location.  Funding contributions are now needed to build the restroom!

Project 19. Parking Improved​

In Spring 2022 gravel and shale was installed leading to Pavilion 1 to provide improved parking close to the pavilion. 

Project 20. Entertainment Stage Erected​

A permanent entertainment stage was donated and installed by Marty Johnson, one of the Winter Camp Park owners in September 2022. It has been used for many musical events in the Fall 2022. Thank you, Marty!

Project 21. Parking Lot Constructed​

Over 50 parking places were constructed to the right of the creek.  This included, clearing and leveling the area, adding gravel, shale and a small culvert to manage the water, and rolled the area to compress the gravel.  This will enhance the use of the park for large events. We even put a bridge across the creek for quicker access to the main area.

Project 22. Restroom Construction Begun â€‹

The construction of the Restroom began in early September 2022.  The footers were dug, concrete poured, and foundation blocks installed, then the outside walls were erected.  The rough in plumbing and roof were added in December.  With continued support we should be able to complete the building in 2023!

Project 23. Restroom Open for Use​

The Restroom was complete and was in use for the 2023 Labor Day Weekend Music Festival.   THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTED THIS PROJECT!!

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